Sunday, January 19, 2014

A rowdy bunch

We may have two ears and one mouth in order to listen twice as much as we speak, but that kind of thinking hasn't yet occurred to many kids in Sunday School classes who talk twice as much (if not more) than they listen. They are surely exuberant!

Today's lesson was indirectly on introspection -- trying to figure out how to know if you've had a good day or a bad day and why (#1) and what the importance of introspection is (#2). Quotes from P.Y.:

Before you go to bed each night, sit for a short time and review the day. See what you are becoming. Do you like the trend of your life? If not, change it. By self-analysis and constant watching of all your actions and thoughts and moods, you will gradually learn your true nature and how to express it flawlessly. 

Everyone should learn to analyze himself dispassionately. Write down your thoughts and aspirations daily. Find out what you are — not what you imagine you are! — because you want to make yourself what you ought to be. Most people don't change because they don't see their own faults.

We also reviewed the Eight Keys of Excellence for building character to which a whole website has been dedicated (

1. Integrity
2. Failure Leads to Success (aka "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!")
3. Speak with Good Purpose (or "Speak softly and carry a big stick" -- ha ha ha -- not!)
4. This Is It! (Better worded using the title of Ram Dass' classic, Be Here Now)
5. Commitment (Make your dreams happen.)
6. Ownership (Take responsibility for actions.)
7. Flexibility (Be willing to do things differently.)
8. Balance:  Be mindful of self and others while focusing on what’s meaningful and important in your life. Inner happiness and fulfillment come when your mind, body, and emotions are nurtured by the choices you make.
When we’re in balance we make time for the things that are important to us. Staying in balance is an ongoing process about choices. We’re constantly making choices about what we do, what we say, how we feel, what we think, etc. 

There were some interesting discussions between noisy periods when all the kids were seemingly talking at once. It was nice to engage in adult conversation after Sunday School was over!

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