Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Lost and Found...and Almost Completely Forgotten!

I was trying to sign a post in MB's TOWW blog post from last January and figured that I would use my WordPress user name -- if I could find it! All I could remember was that I had created a WordPress blog some time ago in order to have a place where I could write thoughts pertaining to spiritual growth and enrichment -- and perhaps record progress on life goals that I had set for myself, the main two of which had to do (and still have to do) with exercise and meditation. I will probably go to my grave declaring, "I should have exercised more! I should have meditated more! I should have drunk more water!" Ha! Oh well. I'm not dead yet, so there is still time to work on achieving my goals and becoming more spiritually mature. I might even get organized one of these days, but please, don't hold your breath on that one! 

Trying to find any sign of my WordPress blog meant needing to remember which email address it was that I used to create it. Eek!! Just when I had given up hope of ever finding my way back to this little used blog, I tried one more Gmail address -- Eureka! That was the magic key that led me to recover the blog, the name of which I had forgotten, too. Thank goodness for recovery options! So, after going through all that, it ended up that MB's TOWW blog wouldn't accept my WordPress blog user name. Harrumph. So I signed it with my Gmail credentials and that was that. 

Today I was thinking about yamas and niyamas and how they form the foundation of one's spiritual life, especially if one's spirituality leans towards Hinduism or yoga philosophy. I like this write-up by William J.D. Doran who has several listings on Google as an artist and as a "Yoga Coach":

I like how he describes his art: 

Inspirational art dedicated to the vibrancy of Spirit
        and the expression of human creativity

Looking at images of his artwork, I would say that he has achieved his goal of creating art that shows the vibrancy of Spirit.

It's my turn to cook tonight for guests. Hot German potato salad, broccoli, perhaps some red cabbage sauerkraut (if I can find some) and maybe some challah, too. 

Time to add an image for today and get going. My theme right now is "peaceful nature scenes."

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