Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Radio Silence

Well, it's officially January 14th, the start of an unanticipated Radio Silence between the Beams. It's for a good cause -- a "God" cause?? -- that we are doing this, but the very good reasons for stepping back (and apart) don't make it any easier or less heartbreaking to do so. Just sayin'... 

On a perpetual calendar that I have of "precious thoughts and verses," the entry for August 28th says this (the page the calendar had been turned to as of late):
A real friend is one who helps us to think our best thoughts, do our noblest deeds, and be our finest selves. 
The entry for January 14th says this:

At the profoundest depths in life men talk not about God, but with Him.        -- Elton Trueblood
That's good to know!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it and well said, Sunbeam. I also like what C.S. Lewis had to say, "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." I am trying to focus on our friendship, Sunbeam, and once I can get that straight in my cluttered noggin, I hope to be a true friend to you once again. Your friendship has given value to my life.
