Saturday, January 18, 2014

Exuberant Human Beings & Gratitude

In a recent issue of DailyGood, there was an article entitled "The 16 Habits of Exuberant Human Beings." I'm going to list the 16 habits, but the Dear Reader would need to find his way to the article itself in order to find out more about each of these habits. And the Dear Reader is also asked to take stock in his own life to see A) how many of these habits are part of his life already and B) if there are any additional habits among these 16 that he would be interested in adding to his current repertoire. So here they are:

1.  They surround themselves with other happy people.
2. They smile when they mean it.
3. They cultivate resilience.
4. They try to be happy.
5. They are mindful of the good.
6. They appreciate simple pleasures.
7. They devote some of their time to giving.
8. They let themselves lose track of time. (And sometimes they can't help it.)
9. They nix the small talk for deeper conversation.
10. They spend money on other people.
11. They make a point to listen.
12. They uphold in-person connections.
13. They look on the bright side.
14. They value a good mixtape.
15. They unplug.
16. The get spiritual.

I would wager that the Dear Reader includes most of these habits in his life. 
OK -- from exuberance to gratitude (not too far a leap):

"Grateful: A Love Song to the World"
Musicians Nimo Patel and Daniel Nahmod brought together dozens of people from around the world to create this beautiful, heart-opening melody. Inspired by the 21-Day Gratitude Challenge, the song is a celebration of our spirit and all that is a blessing in life. For the 21 Days, over 11,000 participants from 118 countries learned that “gratefulness” is a habit cultivated consciously and a muscle built over time. As a famous Roman, Cicero, once said, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” This soul-stirring music video, created within a week by a team of volunteers, shines the light on all the small things that make up the beautiful fabric of our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I look forward to answering your question(s), Dear Writer.
