Friday, January 17, 2014

Videos to inspire and gladden the heart

Some video links from KarmaTube:

A Mother, a Son, and an iPad
Joshua Seftel is an award-winning filmmaker who has worked on many high-profile film, TV, and radio shows. This video is about a much smaller, much more personal project. Joshua originally bought his mom an iPad to stay in better touch with her after his father passed away last year. Once they began chatting regularly, he quickly realized their talks were something special. And he began filming them so that others could share in the experience. Thus, a web series was born.
If Everyone Cared
This music video by Nickelback lauds several examples of individuals who have stood up to injustice, and won. The examples range from Bob Geldof's Live Aid concerts in 1984 to Nelson Mandela's triumphant release from prison in 1989 and election as South Africa's first democratically elected president. 
Four Fingered Pianist
Born with only four fingers and no legs below the knee, 20 year old Hee-ah Lee is an inspiration to all who know her. Although she began playing the piano at age 7 for therapeutic purposes, she has now become a concert pianist! Disfigured since birth, her mother cared for her as if she were perfect and today, she eats, walks and uses the adjusted piano pedals on her own. "You play with your heart and head--not your fingers," Hee-ah says.
75-Year Old Bodybuilding Grandma
"If there ever was an anti-aging pill, I would call it exercise," says Ernestine Shepherd. Behold the breathtakingly magnanimous story of Ernestine, who at the tender age of 71, started competitive bodybuilding. Her true motivational message is to inspire others to exercise and eat correctly. As Ernestine says, "Age is nothing but a number." So watch this BBC video report and join the revolution -- it is never too late to exercise and feel healthy.
You Worry About Me. But What About You? Best Anti-Smoking Ad.
We are quick to give thoughtful advice to others; but sometimes we forget to apply that same logic and compassion to ourselves. In this deliciously subversive anti-smoking campaign, created by Ogilvy & Mather for the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, children approach smokers in a surprising way -- with surprising results.

1 comment:

  1. Got a chance to watch these while waiting for M to get a pedicure. Very inspiring! My favorite is the guy and his mother. Touching. I also liked the bodybuilder. What a good attitude! Thank you, SB.
